A business IS was needed at the beginning
Even at the company‘s founding, ELIT‘s business could not be managed by pen and paper alone, leading ELIT to implement their own simple information system. Later, when the company began expanding internationally in 1995, it was replaced by the professional information system Navision, which was adapted to the needs of the company and its international subsidiaries. In 2002, it was upgraded to keep with the company’s expansion, who was now operating in six markets.
However, even this upgraded system could not keep up with the expansion of the company. With a significant increase in the volume of processed data, it became slow and unstable. Additionally, it became unable to cover all the needs of the company that changed as a result of their growth. Because of this, ELIT began searching for a new platform. ELIT needed a system that could handle their higher database and performance demands to support their increased operations, and support the standardization of data exchange and analysis options for strategic decision making. Another desired feature was better interconnectivity and support for logistics processes, for both within the central warehouse and moving goods between the headquarters and branches.